a Common Carder bee inspects a Fleabane flower
a Western Honey bee on a Dog-rose
a square-headed wasp
two twin-lobed Deerfly on my hat. Better watch out, the sting is painful
a Drone Fly
a European Crane-fly
marsh Crane flies have very delicated webbed wings
a pair of nettle weevil caught in the act
a European Hornet is munching away on a captured bee
the Common Scorpionfly eats dead insects
other insects of the uiterwaarden

The nature reserves in the floodplains of Empel and Hedel are never mowed and therefore sport flowery meadows and bushes in spring and summertime.

On a warm day the area is buzzing with mosquitoes, flies, bumblebees and bees, while beetles scurry on and under the plants and water striders gracefully dart across the calm water surfaces.

The reserves are extensively grazed by cattle that via their dung create local habitats for dung flies.

All this busy life attracts insectivores such as frogs, wasps and dragonflies, but the predatory  European hornet also hovers around,always hunting for a meal.

Birds like great tit, long-tailed tit, stonechat and warbler make an appearance and feed on all that delicious protein.

I use a Canon SX70 HS camera to shoot the insects. The camera may not always produce super-sharp images, but the extreme focal length of 1365 mm allows you to get close while keeping your distance. But depth of field is an issue.

The photos are from 2021 onwards.

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a red-eyed Flesh-fly
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a green Flesh-fly
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a Helophilus trivittatus tastes the nectar of a water mint
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a buff-tailed bumblebee
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a Common Water strider
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a Red-tailed bumblebee feeds on a colorful Welted thistle
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